Test what your voice sounds like

300ms launched a platform that lets you record your voice and get a personality profile based on public perception. 

Get a vocal personality profile

Learn more about what science says on your vocal profile

Be the judge! In turn, listen and give your impression

Curious? Let’s play it by ear…

Start the test

Our vision

Voice is one of the most important communication tools.
It can be used to infer personality traits, mental states, emotions or intentions like sarcasm.
For listeners, it’s like a compass to navigate their social world.
We have been studying voices and person perception for years, and now we’re making a tool available for all of you. It’s simple, you can record your own voice and get feedback from our community, or you can simply assess other people voice.

Read more


How does it work?

Step 1

Create an account and record your voice


Step 2

Listen and rate other voices

Select a context (professional, romantic, friendly), and rate what you think of voices in this situation

Step 3


Get stats on your voice and personality profile


More than just an online test

Vocal profile testing

300ms (beta) provides a free-of-use web platform to gain insight on how your voice is perceived by others. Like a personality test, but for your voice!

It’s here

Personalised feedback on request

In addition to crowd-based perception of voice, we also offer an option to get a personalized feedback using advanced analysis techniques. 

– coming soon – 


Improving automated vocal analysis

Speech analysis that could benefit from a better accuracy? We want to help by putting the human back in the equation. 

300ms applies a model based on state-of-the-art research in affective neurosciences, and offers consulting services to tech companies working to develop human-centered interaction.


A question or a request?